The Middle

My mom Is the Queen. A past Bend teacher who remembers and recognizes students from an almost 30 year career in Bend public schools. She lives in Bend half the year, and Phoenix half the year where my brother, a 50 year old Bachelor happily lives. It’s a nice life. Bend in the summer, Buckeye, AZ, the fastest growing city in the country, in the winter.

My kids are the smartest, most beautiful people I know. (Moms can say that right?) one studied Public Planning and Policy in college, and one studied Environmental Science. My Mom calls me naïve for my beliefs and my news sources. My daughter says the last thing the world needs is more babies.

This is my “Middle”. Consoling children about the environment that they know a shit ton more about then I do, and debating my mom over, climate change, Gun reform, abortion rights, and what’s a better news source, FOX or the NYTimes.

It wakes me at night…. Like now. In the morning I’ll feel better and walk with a friend, collect eggs from my chickens, check to see if my CBD and Jack Herer are ready to be harvested, and ride my e-bike to work if the weather is better.

I’m grateful for a store I’ve built over 15 years, that allows me to stick true to myself. I sell second hand, made in America, and artist made. I play music on the stereo, and see bands that are small artists writing songs that sound good and lyrics that resonate with me. My vacations are in nature. I do my best to live the values I believe in. I make an effort to be kind to all and share a smile and not covet, (who doesn’t want a fast shiny new Mustang Mach-E?) Mostly I try for authentic, practical, and beautiful; in Cowgirl Cash and in my daily living.

I can’t convince, lecture, cry, or debate, my views on the state of the world. I can only be me, and pick my people with intention…

To be clear, I’m very aware that the “middle generation” or the “sandwich generation” is often people financially supporting or physically caring for parents and children. This fact makes me sympathetic and also feeds my political party choice… Medicaid for all, and safe affordable daycare.

Anyone skipping the news tonight and headed to our locally owned and remodeled Volcanic Theater pub to see Vincent Neal Emerson?

Whole food, fresh air, sound sleep, LOVE. Live music fits in their somewhere ❤️


Heading into 15 years

