My top 3 favorite recent books.

Ideas for a good winter read:

Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry That Radicalized America. By Ryan Busse

I loved this book, and the way the facts were presented in a clear chronological order. Like the author, I grew up with guns and was given a membership to the NRA after I passed hunter’s safety. Busse lays out how the gun industry and the NRA conspired do one thing: Sell guns. That’s why we have 110 guns for every 100 citizens in the US. Its a great audiobook as well.

The Seed Keeper. By Diane Wilson

A Native American woman’s story of her family and her families history. The Dakota women who were uprooted from their land sewed seeds in the hem of their skirts for their long journey. The seeds were not only meant for sustenance in their new place, but also served as a link to their past and represented hope for their future.

This book was a Deschutes County Library Novel Idea community read for 2022. It made me want to put my hands in the earth and plant a garden. It also gives painful and personal insight into the history of Native American Boarding Schools.

The Overstory. By Richard Powers

This book took me two months to read. It went on a river trip, a bike camping trip to the Grand Canyon, and was finally finished on a cold evening in a hot bath. Frequently, I read passages outloud to Marsh. It was poetic, profound, and beautifully written. The stories and characters took unexpected turns, but trees anchored everything.

This is a book I will recommend, but not lend. My copy is too ear marked and worn, and I will refer back to it.


The Four Basics


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