Happy New Year 2023

I love to think and plan and scheme for the future. Probably to a fault. In years past, “be in the moment” has been a New Years resolution. This year I am truly excited about events happening at the first of 2023.

First off… Cowgirl Properties is doubling in size! I have added a long time friend and experienced agent to my little boutique real estate company. Kris Blea and I first met and worked together at Hasson Company Realtors nearly 20 years ago when Hasson first opened its office in Bend. Kris was the office manager at the time, and I was an agent starting over in the Bend market. We both needed daycare for the summer for our combined 4 kids. We’ve been family friends ever since. More on this team synergy later.

The second passion I’m pursuing this year is my quest to become a better Central Oregon gardener. I bought a beautiful new book lately that has really sparked some joy and ideas in me. I’m imagining my own yard becoming a natural haven for birds and bees and other pollinators. In order to reach my goals I’ve signed up for the Master Gardener program through the OSU extension program. It is quite an extensive program that includes class time, garden time, and volunteer hours on the phone answering peoples gardening questions. I’ve got a lot to learn and I can’t wait.

The book that has inspired me!

I’m often thankful, that my career in resell Western Vintage, complements my other interests like unique and homey, value added properties, riding, hiking, and gardening. Do you remember the days of the Cowgirl Cash sponsored Chicken Coop tour? Book club centered around my elk hunting trip?

Life is the sum of your experiences, and I want all I can handle!


A fresh perspective…


The Four Basics