Gardening during my “sabbatical”


I had dreams of taking 2 months off before I really dove into my new real estate career with verve. Time to finish books, get fit, and work in my yard, with new eyes and education from OSU’s Master Gardener Program which I completed in October 2023.

Cowgirl Properties new listing at 61502 Tall Tree Ct.

But the phone started to ring and people started to inquire, and I’ve been busy showing houses, previewing houses and helping families list houses. The home on Tall Tree Ct., I sold to the family in 2021. It has a beautiful side yard that comes off of double French doors from their dining room. The family uses the space daily for their three kids and 2 dogs and a 3 legged cat. The surrounding fence is covered in vines and hops, and perennials are coming up between grass, wild flowers, and weeds. I called a yard company to come do a clean up, and the moment they mentioned “spraying” and a quote of $850, I put the breaks on and reconsidered my options. I called my friend Steph who is looking to grow a garden consulting business. Together we decided to selectively weed, trim, transplant and nurture this side yard to an enjoyable private patch of paradise. 2 full days later and two pick up loads to the yard debris section of the land fill, and a truck full of soil builder later, we completed the task. Is it paradise? not exactly, but its beautiful and the hops and honey suckle are growing beautifully, the dog poo is gone, the area is a clean palate for the next owners vision and not a drop of chemicals were used and butterflies, birds, ladybugs and bees were definitely present.

Steph and I felt exhausted, but happy with our results. Sometimes, you gotta just dive in and get your hands dirty. Natural gardening, helping a busy family with a move, and listing a sweet house are all part of the plan. I’ll take my sabbatical another time.

In the meantime, my friend sent me this Ted Talk link … Let Your Garden Grow Wild It’s worth a 12 min watch.

Feels kinda like a sabbatical in the backyard with my girls.


Marketing with Music


The Cowgirl Transition