Cowgirl Cash is For Sale

Even typing “Cowgirl Cash is for sale” makes my stomach flutter. Is it fear, sadness, or the excitement that Cowgirl Cash is a viable business that needs a fresh owner to take her to the next level?

Not all small retail businesses make it 15 years. But I got lucky and consulted the right people and dove into my venture knowing I had to succeed. There were bills to pay and mouths to feed. Why wouldn’t a BUY*SELL shop specializing in Western Vintage with an emphasis on Jewelry and cool cowgirl boots be a hit? I’ve worked in the jewelry business, and I LOVE boots! It’s been a journey, it’s been a blast, the store has given me freedom, focus, fun, and a rich LIFE.

I was contemplating my exit strategy, when Arrange owner, Suzanne approached me and said that she was ready to focus on her design clients. She no longer wanted a retail brick and mortar store. That means Cowgirl Cash needs to grow to fill the 1600 sq. feet of leased space we have. I’m not motivated to do that. I want to hand over the reins and let a new owner decide what the business needs. A line of dresses? Jeans and graphic tees? More HATS? (which is now the top seller at Cowgirl Cash)

If you, or someone you know, wants to talk dollars and cents, lease rates, and details and “how to” and training. Please text me. Help me pass the torch to another Cowgirl ready to ride!

Rebecca Branin Charlton, founder, Cowgirl Cash


The Cowgirl Transition


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