The Holidays

The Holidays. Unfortunately for me, this phrase can elevate my blood pressure. It's supposed to be a magic word for those of us in retail. But, I'm never quite prepared for how far behind I feel or how out of step. I'm not a big commercial shopper myself, and despite this, I feel pressure to keep up with a bigger, chainstore model of how to do Christmas. The pressure I feel watching tv commercials and hearing ads is not logical and well founded, but it's real stress that starts to creep in to my psyche. Over the past 5 years I've found ways to cope, and have come to terms with what works for me and my little business during "The Holidays"

On Thanksgiving Day,  Luci and Scott and I were walking in the rain along the Deschutes river when we came upon a freshly fallen pine branch in our path.  This twisted and knotted bough was covered in chartreuse moss and it spoke to me.  "Haul me home and hang in me in the window" it said. And voila, the dilemma of a holiday window display was solved by nature.  It's simplicity and freshness could not be more authentic and true to what I want to be during "The Holidays". 

To stave off my anxiety of doing more, keeping up, being bigger, being  better, being flashier, I've tried to be true to myself and my values. Find time for yoga.  Find time to be outside. Make time for healthy family dinners.  Don't go overboard on gifts. Get outside with fabulous friends. Get lots of sleep.  And did I say get outside? 

Our tree was cut in the woods.  It's almost decorated. We'll make Christmas pecans for some family, and share some meaningful personal gifts. We're anticipating skiing Christmas Day. At Cowgirl Cash, we will be the quiet spot in the back alley downtown, where you can find a rare gift, a "green" gift, an affordable treasure, or a handmade treat for yourself. Or not.

I wish you a holiday season full of whole food, fresh air, sound sleep, and love.  The four basics of a truly Happy Holiday.


Christmas Album


Top 10 things to do in Bend, OR this winter