Taking the Plunge

Buying and selling real estate is never very easy. But add a red hot market, 3 kids, and busy work demands and things are stressful. I’ve been working with my clients for a few months. texting back and forth over listings, market conditions, holiday schedules, and Covid constraints. Finally, in the bleakest part of winter we decided to make our move. Step one. Get the house ready. I made a to do list and the sellers got busy. Clean out, box up, fix, and paint. Add three kids, the busy work schedule and the family pets and things are easier said then done. However, my client is a super woman and a super mom. We made a plan and now we are in stage one of execution. Sell the house quickly so that the busy family doesn’t have to keep the house pristine for months is now top priority.

I’ve committed to two full days of Open Houses so that as many people as possible can get in and see the house. So while I’m working from the Gricius’s dining room table and sharing the features and benefits of their Oregon Water Wonderland house on .49 of an acre, they are frolicking at an indoor hotel pool.


Often it’s necessary to take the plunge and make a move. Sometimes you have to trust your gut, your partner, your real estate agent, and go for it.

With hardwork, planning, and the belief that everything will work out… it does.

*Stay tune for the next phase of this adventure: finding the new house in this hot market.


Capturing the shot and the Cowgirl Vibe.

