Summer 2014 begins

May 1, today, is the official start of my 5th summer with Cowgirl Cash.  This is the day we kick off SUMMER HOURS. (Mon- Sat 11-6, Sun 11-4) Five years makes me sound like a pro. But the business keeps evolving and growing and challenging me and inspiring me. Some changes have come about because of my recent travels to India and Nepal. As much as I loved seeing the people, eating the food, and experiencing a different cultures.  I came home more determined than ever to stick with my "American Made" roots, my buy local mantra, but I added a new rally cry..."slow clothes movement.  What if we could bring back the American manufacturing industry by breaking ourselves from our addiction to disposable cheap clothes?  What if Cowgirl Cash could be a resource for second hand, and  locally made? Wait, I'm already doing that, let’s just add a few more items to the list.

I'm terrible with secrets.  Ask my family.  I was supposed to wait until the official  unveiling of my new "product line" at the B-Fest Fashion show this Saturday, May 3.  But as I type this blog, I'm sure my mom is the only one who is going to read it..

Cowgirl Cash is now carrying Popina!  Yes, Popina, the locally made, retro inspired swimwear from Portland.  Made with love using the iconic Jantzen Swimwear craftsman. 

Meet Alice, my first purchaser on the first day they were in the shop. She picked up the retro halter in red with white polka dots.


Popina Swimwear at Cowgirl Cash


Year of Ethical Fashion 2014