Re-Boot... on the TMB

Even Western Vintage secondhand store owners need a little getaway...

I learned about the TMB, The tour of Mount Blanc from a girlfriend about 4 years ago. It was one of those conversations that I couldn't get out of my head.  I started a little savings account, I bought the recommended tour book, and I waited for my turn to come. This "dream vacation" is actually a 106 mile hike around Mt. Blanc.  The trail takes you through France, Italy, and Switzerland. It involves a lot of elevation gain for the best views. I planned my trip from my little blue book.  I sent E-mails to refugies in the three different countries.  When I was told by many places that they were full, I asked them for suggestions of other places to stay.  It was all in French and broken English.

When the time came to actually leave my family and my shop and my chickens, and my old dog my eye was twitching. Traveling Internationally, solo, with a backpack was all of a sudden super scary... I was a little unclear of who I had paid deposits to, where these sleeping accommodations actually were, and if the weather would hold in the Alps for 11 days. 

Fearless.  I want to be that. So off I went and had the time of my life.

What I did, was create an 11 day pilgrimage for myself.  11 days of meditating in the mountains.  I thought of you.  Truly, I did think of my friends, my family, my customers, my social media followers. All of you that promote and support me, and encourage me to be fearless, here in my own hometown.  I felt a lot of emotion each day.  But it was the overwhelming gratitude that caused me to weep as I climbed in the Alps.

Thank you for reading my "journal" and looking at my vacation pictures. Intrigued?  Talk to me anytime about the TMB!


Winter transition at Cowgirl Cash


Cowgirl Properties Tuesday tour find...