Larkspur Community Center: Cowgirl Properties

The new pup, (Ruby) and I walked around the new Larkspur Community Center recently. It's gorgeous, and appears that if we were not in the middle of our once in a lifetime pandemic, it would be open. I'm a fan of Bend Parks and Recreation. The programs and trails and Pools are very special and another reason why people are moving to beautiful Central Oregon. Once I had a customer tell me she searched for "public indoor pools" when she searched for the small town she wanted to live in. She was impressed when she saw our clean and updated facilities and reasonable prices. We pay for it in our property taxes, but we get it back when we use park bathrooms, run on maintained trails and watch kids play organized sports.. Bend has always had beautiful scenery and special places to explore, but our parks are a real gem. Enjoy.


Bend life.


New Perspective...