For the LOVE of work.

I’m feeling quite comfortable and a little smug typing from a cactus garden at my Tucson, AZ Airbnb. I’ve been here a week and have shopped and hiked, sat by pools, eaten International food and thought about Cowgirl Cash a lot. Cowgirl Cash, Cowgirl Properties, and my life. It’s all tied together. It’s work, but also a source of JOY.

I’ve been buying and passing on many things. My goal is always to choose items that make my heart sing, and that I think the people who visit my store will also Love and appreciate. I’m starting to give myself more credit for being a curator. Doing the foot work to gather beautiful items and bringing them to one beautiful store, in one beautiful town, which also happens to be my childhood home.

While I’ve been away, I’ve been listening to an audio book by Seth Godin. The Practice. He brings up the concept of Intention. When I shop, and when I plan, and I buy, and when I recreate, it’s with intention. Intention, that my offerings will be easier on the planet (second hand), dollars will go to locals, not mega corporations (artist made) and that the item has a practical use… (with the exception of ART).

Expect more hats at Cowgirl Cash this summer. Also expect to see an array of new and vintage jewelry to adorn and mark special occasions. Boots will always be a main stay, and I’m working on a new locally made dress style. I bought vintage Mother of Pearl buttons here at the Gem Show, so I better get the dresses made.

I hope to see you in the shop soon!


How to Dress for the Rodeo…

