Delhi on bike

If Day 1 was baby steps, Day 2 was full immersion.

We started the day at 6:30 am. It was dark and the city was shrouded in thick gray smog. Brenda and her driver drove Linda and I to a little street in Old Delhi. We were there to do a biking tour. As we walked down a dirt street in search of our guides, people were camped out on each side. They were burning little fires of garbage for warmth. Dogs were everywhere. Traffic wasn't bad yet, but already rickshaws, trucks, oxen, horse and carts, and scooters came by us in all directions.  We rounded a corner and there was a line of bright orange bikes just like I had seen on Trip Advisor. There were 8 of us plus 3 guides. I put my front tire on the rear of the lead guides rear tire and didn't let him get more than a foot away for the next 3 hours. 

We started by riding through the meat packing area, and proceeded to the spice market, past forts, into alleys, stopped under trees for the best chai ever, and ate an amazing lamb stew with traditional bread for lunch. What an experience.  I absolutely loved it.


Weekend in Rajasthan

