Thank You Central Oregon Chicken Lovers

Thank you all for your participation in Bend’s Chicken Coop Tour. I’ve been collecting money from the sales of books and just delivered a handful of cash to Healing Reins, who will then share with the Alyce Hatch Center.

In total we gave over $3700 in cash and checks. 

That number does not include the Boneyard Beer, and Kombucha Mama, and the chicken feed, and the PR work and printing, and gift certificates and other prizes and services that were donated in order for us to have a fun and educational coop tour.

Each of the stops had many visitors, all day long. Central Oregon really embraced this event. I look forward to presenting it again next May. 

I love our community.



Top 10 Things To Do In Bend, Oregon


Bend's Chicken Coop Tour Rocked!