Presentation of the Lucky Lady Dresses

May 1 seemed like the right day to present Cowgirl Cash's latest item, the Lucky Lady Dress. May Day is traditionally the day where children make paper baskets, fill them with flowers and hang them on their neighbors doors. The Cowgirl Cash version is an evening of ladies dancing, cotton, floral dresses, flower shaped cookies, music and laughter.  What we needed was beautiful weather, and mother nature served up a beautiful late afternoon.  The girls were attired, the food was set, the music was loud, and at 7 pm, the runway show began...Cowgirl Cash style. Each model let her own personality shine and each handmade dress, fit the occasion. The models showed their stuff both in Cowgirl Cash and then out on Brooks St in front of the store.  Miss-matched chairs lined the street to allow for May Day Fashion go-ers to settle in and enjoy  the show.  The grand finale was a long line of gorgeous girls in their charming dresses dancing the Boot Scootin' Boogie.  Overall, the evening was festive and accomplished what I had hoped for. We showed that these  Lucky Lady dresses, made in Bend by local seamstresses are not only a beautiful fit, but "fitting" for any occasion casual or formal.  

Thanks to Alyson Brown for these awesome photos!


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