Introducing my new look

After 10 years of doing business as a sassy cowgirl, I decided my look needed a refresh.  Sometimes a little change can give you a boost and revive your energy. The new logo was in the works around Mid March.... right when we were ordered to close down for the Covid 19 pandemic. This new logo: complete with an upward horseshoe holding lots of luck and bright and cheery orange poppies at the base seems especially fitting as we venture on into the unknown of a changed society and a rocky economic future.  Despite the change in logo, the buying criteria at Cowgirl Cash remains the same.  Authentic. Practical. Beautiful.

Cowgirl Cash has always been the place you could get CASH when you needed it, but as we open slowly, I'm opening my wallet more slowly as well.  There will be more consigning and less cash outlay. I dont want to be over exposed.  I'm sure I'll warm up to cash sales of the things I love the most. Old turquoise, great leather boots, killer belt buckles, sweet pearl snap shirts, but for now I'm taking a conservative approach and making sure I have cash on hand to survive as long as it takes.

Please bring me the sweet treasures that you don't need anymore. Appoinments are a good idea too.  Wed-Fri 11-5 are best, but give me a call at the store.




Getting away 2020


Covid 19 Update