Find JOY

Its been almost two years since Arrange moved into Cowgirl Cash. I’ve gotten used to the statement, “It looks so much better now.” Because I know it’s true. Having a designers eye to organize, merchandise, refine, and edit the space has been fun and freeing. I was able to pare Cowgirl Cash down to the items I connect with the most.

Boots, jewelry, Vintage Western Apparel, Dresses, and Hats!

(Art too, but Suzanne and I collaborate on the original art we sell).

But the boots, jewelry, apparel and hats are pieces that you can wear either everyday, or for unique occasions. It’s my hope that the treasures you find pre-loved from my shop will give you JOY as you wear them, or JOY to the person you gift them too. Pieces with history, stories, craftsmanship, and rarity. Keep Cowgirl Cash on your regular peruse schedule, and remember we love Layaway…. Put some money down on that turquoise belt buckle, and put a little more down next month. Eventually you will own a little piece of the West and keep your pants up in style.

Authentic, Practical and Beautiful.

Cowgirl Cash and Arrange find JOY in presenting our two little shops as one.


Covid 19 Update


Happy New Year 2020 from Cowgirl Cash in Bend, OR