End of Summer 2019

Summer started with Luci's graduation from U of O. Her dad and I are alums, and being a proud duck was instilled early on. I love this photo with the Edmonds family.  Andie and I met at the University of Oregon in the dorms in Fall of 1985. 30 years later Luci, and Andie's son Nick started at the same time. (proud to say both of our kids finished in four years) Andie started Cowgirl Cash with me.  She decided to move into Commercial Real Estate and helped me find Cowgirl Cash's current home downtown.  I've been in this space 10 years!  Hence the blog.  

My days are busy with buying and selling and merchandising. Some things are new, some are old, and some of the authentic, practical, beautiful things I buy need a little polishing off and repair. 

I love the people who bring their treasures to me, but  I also enjoy the hunt.  It's not glamorous out thrifting, but it can be rewarding, fun, and gives Cowgirl Cash its unique feel.

Clyde is no longer a fixture at Cowgirl Cash. Family vacations have evolved into last minute backpacking trips with my kids and adventures with my new best friend, Marsh!  Music, nature, friends, trying to tread lightly in my life and in my business.  

Happy Fall, and thank you to all who support my shop. It takes a Village.  So proud to be part of this one.

Still pondering the look and feel of the 10 year party in late October!


Happy New Year 2020 from Cowgirl Cash in Bend, OR


Updated Bio...Quick blog opportunity