Cowgirl Cash NOW open with Arrange

The paper has come down off the windows, the paint has dried, and Chester the huge Bull Elk has been moved to a new position of prominence in the store. Cowgirl Cash has blended beautifully with Arrange if I do say so myself.  I've always referred to my shop as a Western Vintage Boutique, but now it finally looks like a boutique! Thanks to the vision and experience and magic touch, of Suzanne Molt the owner and interior designer from Arrange. The blending of a timeless French feel and a cool, old, timeless Western vibe works!

We call the combination of the two stores, A Fresh Western Lifestyle Store!

Sharing space, floor coverage, marketing, parties, and fun has been a smart move so far.  There were growing pains (store closure and inventory) but I believe that change and adaptability is not only necessary in retail, but critical to keeping yourself open minded and relevant. 

Cowgirl Cash is still filled with second hand and handmade Western Vintage.  My goal has always been to provide authentic, practical and beautiful items at reasonable prices.  I want customers to return again and again and feel like they got a value, and found a treasure.  Arrange offers even more options, with a little more polish and poise.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to create synergy and I love walking into my shop.

I hope you do to!



Celebrating Cowgirl Cash... again!


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